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    YCIS Chongqing Excels at ACAMIS Basketball Tournament


    02 Feb, 2024

    10 : 46

    • YCIS Chongqing Secondary students recently blazed a trail on the basketball court at the highly anticipated ACAMIS tournament in Hefei.


      The electrifying competition witnessed our skilled girls' team stepping up to the challenge, securing an impressive second place in a thrilling final. Their unwavering determination and seamless teamwork left spectators in awe. Not to be outdone, our boys' team showcased their exceptional skills, earning widespread recognition for their outstanding performance.


      In the heat of competition, our students demonstrated character traits we so value at YCIS Chongqing – resilience, perseverance and determination.


      Congratulations to all the participants for their extraordinary success in this fiercely competitive tournament. Stay tuned as we continue to celebrate the triumphs of our talented YCIS Chongqing athletes!