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    The YCYW Sports Festival


    11 Jun, 2024

    09 : 13

    • The 1st YCYW Sport Games was held on the Tongxiang campus last week. Over 200 YCYW students from different campuses around Mainland China as well as Hong Kong embarked on this fantastic journey and left with unforgettable experiences!


      The three days of intense competitions ended successfully with enthusiastic engagement from attending students. YCIS Chongqing sent twelve energetic students from our lower secondary years to the Sport Games. Traveling to another place outside Chongqing to participate in a sports event is nothing new to our students; however, coming to our sister school in Tongxiang added excitement and anticipation.


      On day one, our girls displayed immense strength and resilience in the basketball tournament, winning three matches in the team phase and the quarterfinals against YW Linggang before falling to eventual champions YC Hong Kong.


      Day two saw fierce football competition, with our girls winning against YW Tongxiang but narrowly losing to YC Beijing in the quarterfinals, 2-1.


      Despite weather disruptions on the third day, an alternative volleyball round to replace track and field brought tremendous fun, and our girls secured a win against YW Guangzhou.


      The highlight was securing 4th place in basketball, demonstrating fearless and competitive spirit against the teams from Hong Kong, Shanghai Puxi, and Shanghai Pudong. Our Shanghai schools were crowned overall co-champions of the event. We're excited to continue to build strong teams for next year, continuing to develop our students’ character through learning the importance of teamwork, resilience and fair play!