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    Resplendent IBDP Results


    08 Jul, 2022

    10 : 00

    • After 2 years of toil, copious exam practice, the actual exams themselves, all the hours spent on IAs, EEs, TOKs, CAS, it seems odd that this all boils down to a click of a button at 8pm on July 6 to receive an IB result.


      Mr Hall, Careers and University Guidance Officer at YCIS Chongqing, reminded us at graduation that an IB score is ‘just a number’ and doesn’t define the graduates as people. That said, what a marvelous set of numbers they are! Some highlights:

      • 100% pass rate…for the 4th consecutive year
      • Average score (out of 45) of 38.44… well above the world average of 31.98
      • Average grade per subject (out of 7) 6.07… an entire grade above the world average of 5.12
      • 67% of students achieved a bilingual diploma
      • Highest score, Matthew Leano, 44 out of 45!


      We would like congratulate the YCIS Chongqing IBDP Class of 2022 for all of their hard work and the outstanding results they have earned as a result. Each student out-performed the global average and in most cases performed on or above their own predicted grades.


      As a school, we could not be prouder of our students and we would like to thank their families for all their support over the past two years. We would also like to thank our school staff for the quality of teaching and guidance they have offered, leading to results that can truly be called ‘world class’.