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    There’s no mountain too great


    18 Aug, 2022

    18 : 00

    • At YCIS Chongqing, we offer an exciting range of Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs) within each academic year, and students have the opportunity to take CCAs that suit their interests and skills so that their fullest potential can be nurtured in and outside of the classroom.

      As one of our most popular CCAs, Drama has always been attracting talented students among Primary and Secondary.

      During the past year, students have done a phenomenal job preparing for the performance of ‘The Lion King’. They worked so hard every Friday after school, and finally put together a fine stage show for their audience. From creating props to working on music and dance performances, our students have shown their incredible talent and dedication to their performance. The cheers and applause that rang out in the auditorium showcased the amazing talent that our students possess.

      What a great show! The YCIS community is very proud of the achievements of our gifted students.