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    Year 5 Sharing Love and Care with Younger Students


    20 Mar, 2018

    10 : 00

    • The Year 5 Learning Community is learning about procedural writing because it will be useful for us when we are adults. It is useful because we can learn how to do something, for example, cook something delicious. A procedure is a step by step set of information. We made and wrote how to make play dough and pom-pom animals.

      We made play dough for ECE because we felt little children love playing with play dough. We followed a procedure of how to make play dough. We put all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and mixed it well. We added hot water and kneaded the dough. Finally, we added food-dye, glitter and nice-smelling oil to make the play dough more interesting for ECE children.

      We made pom-pom animals for ourselves and for our Year 2 reading buddy. We followed a procedure of how to make pom-pom animals. We used a template of different animals and lots of different colored wool. It took a long time to thread the wool in and out of the hole to make the pom-pom body of our animals.

      There is no doubt that we learnt a useful skill and shared our love and care. We will keep exploring and never stop in the future.