06 Feb, 2018
10 : 00
The students of the Year 2 Learning Community celebrated 100 days of school last week! Wow! 100 Days of what? 100 days of learning new and exciting things. What have you learned in 100 days? Well, the Year 2’s shared all of the words they have learned this year on their 100 word display. However, they did not settle for 100 words. Instead, they went far and beyond, writing well over 300 new words in their vocabulary in a matter of days!
Ethan decided to stay in during his afternoon recess and wrote 37 words on his own during this time. Celebrating 100 days of school was a lot of fun as children spent a lesson exploring ways to make the numeral 100, creating a picture using a 100 square chart, building a structure with 100 pieces of Lego, adding their fingerprints to a display of Chinese characters for 100 and creating their own 3D Dojo monster to inspire them to continue to strive for more than 100 dojo points for class.
Celebrating 100 days of learning reminds us as that everyday brings new and exciting learning opportunities that should be treasured and celebrated!