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    Onward and Upward


    01 Apr, 2022

    10 : 00

    • Spring is the season of sowing seeds, but also harvesting the crops. Our Year 13 students are also embracing this season, by sending (sowing) their university applications and receiving (harvesting) their offers of acceptance!

      Year 13 students began the process of preparing their university applications last semester. Since then, our students have been attending interviews and waiting anxiously to see if all their hard work has paid off and they receive ‘offers’ from their preferred universities. We are delighted to announce that almost all of our students have now received at least one offer from their chosen universities (or will do when the applications open in their home country).

      Over the past couple of months, acceptances have kept rolling in. Our students have applied to universities worldwide, including the UK, US, Canada, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, Korea and Australia. Some highlights so far include acceptances to the following universities:

      • Imperial College London(UK)
      • University of Toronto
      • University College London
      • University of Sydney (Australia)
      • University of California (San Diego) 
      • Hong Kong University
      • University of Birmingham (UK) 
      • Concordia University (Montréal, Canada)
      • Zhejiang University School of Medicine(China)
      • Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
      • University of Southampton (UK) 
      • University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) 
      • Xi’an Jiao Tong – Liverpool University (China)
      • Colgate University in Hamilton (New York)
      • Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland, Ohio, USA) 
      • University of Dundee (Scotland)
      • Kenyon College(US)

      Not only have our students’ received acceptances from a wide range of universities, they have also selected a diverse range of areas to study, these include Business, Biomedical Sciences, Computer Science, Economics, Medicine and Social Sciences.

      We expect to receive more offers in the coming weeks as most universities will have made all of their offers by the end of April.

      We are incredibly proud of the acceptances our students have received; we wish them well in their examinations so they can then select their preferred universities.