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    Korean University Information Session


    21 Sep, 2018

    10 : 00

    • We are grateful to invite Daniel Kang, the Korean Language teacher and Parent Liaison Officer from YCIS Qingdao, to our campus this week to run a Korean university information session for YCIS Chongqing Korean community.

      While working in China, Daniel has worked closely with many Korean university admission officers and has great knowledge of Korean university admission policies and procedures. Daniel successfully helped Korean students at the YCIS Qingdao apply for Korean universities in the last few years.

      On Thursday, September 20, Daniel delivered a presentation in the Great Hall in front of more than 35 parents. His speech was mainly based on his Korean university visits last year and his expertise as a specialist in the field. The session was very successful and parents all thought it informative, professional and helpful. A Q&A session was arranged at the end to address some of the parents’ questions.

      We thank Daniel for his dedication and contribution and hope all YCIS sister schools could encourage this kind of knowledge and information sharing in order to better serve our YCIS community.