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    Year 5 Potter Excursion


    26 Apr, 2023

    09 : 41

    • On Monday, April 17th, students and teachers from the Year 5 Learning Community visited Xiao Taoqi Wenhua Nongjiale in a rural area of Yubei District.  As part of their current technology unit, students went to explore the facilities there and get a broader, historical understanding of technology. 


      Students explored an abandoned school building built in the 1980’s.  This experience gave students first hand understanding of the changes Chinese schools have seen over the past 40 years.  Students considered how technology impacts learning, but they were also asked to consider questions such as “How did the classroom feel in winter?” or “How many butterflies do you think might pass through the classroom on a spring day?” 


      Students walked out into an organic farm next to the Hou River which provides Yubei with drinking water.  There they found a replica of an ancient grain mill.  They learned how livestock were used to power mills, and how even in ancient times, gear technology was used in machinery.  Students were able to view a water wheel up close and consider questions such as “Did ancient technology impact the environment in the same way modern technology does?” 


      Finally, students got a chance to work in a very different kind of technology—ceramics.  With the help of Mr. Zhang, a ceramics expert at the pottery workshop, students used the coil method to create cups and other ceramic pieces.  During their lunch break, students enjoyed splashing around in the river and skipping stones.  One of the locals even helped students find fossils in river stones. 


      Learning together, sharing experiences, building relations, enjoying nature: who could ask for anything more?