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    2022-2023 YCIS Chongqing Sports Day


    26 Apr, 2023

    08 : 45

    • In the month of April, Primary and Secondary students gathered to celebrate a day of fair athletic competition. Both days were filled with various contests, including track and field, team sports, and even a dancing challenge!


      From the moment students arrived at the sports field, there was an undeniable sense of energy and enthusiasm in the air. They were excited to participate in the day's activities and show off their physical abilities.


      The first competition was track and field. Students from all grade levels competed in different events, such as the 100-meter dash, long jump, and high jump. It was impressive to see students running, jumping, and throwing with skill and determination.


      Next up were the team sports competitions for Secondary, which included table tennis, flag tag, ultimate frisbee, spikeball, and a capture the flag tournament. Student athletes created synergy to come up with game strategies and communicate effectively with their teammates. It was great to see them supporting one another and working towards a common goal.


      One of the highlights of the day for Primary was the dance competition. Students from each learning community level, grouped in their respective houses, had a chance to show off their moves to upbeat, popular songs. The judges were impressed with the creativity, energy, and synchronization of the dancers.


      In addition to the student competitions, there were also opportunities for teachers and parents to get involved. Parents and teachers had a chance to showcase their athletic abilities in a tug-of-war competition, while also participating in a relay race. It was wonderful to see everyone coming together and having fun.


      The events ended with an awards ceremony, where the winners of each competition were awarded medals and trophies. It was clear that all students had put in a lot of effort and worked hard to achieve their goals. The Sports Day event was a huge success, and everyone left with a sense of pride and accomplishment.


      Overall, our Sports Day was a great way to bring together students from different grade levels and houses for a day of fun, competition, and teamwork. It was wonderful to see them working together and supporting one another, and the teachers and parents were also able to get in on the action. Congratulations to all the winners, and to everyone who participated in this wonderful event!


      Stay tuned for K3 and K4 sports day.