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    TOK Exhibition


    30 Jun, 2023

    10 : 20

    • On Friday,June 19th, YCIS Chongqing hosted a Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition on campus, showcasing the Year 12 IB Diploma students’ TOK learning throughout the year.  With the question “How TOK manifests in the world around us?”, our Y12 students explored their lives and shared their knowledge.


      TOK is not a course in philosophy, although there are some connections with it. It provides an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature, scope and limitations of knowledge and the process of knowing. It also helps students investigate their own knowledge. The study journey can have a huge impact on students, helping them to make connections between different disciplines, to engage with multiple disciplines and to be aware of their personal perspectives and assumptions.


      Our amazing Year 12 students presented their exhibitions to an audience consisting of the school leadership team, teachers, fellow students and parents. They shared how they are making connections with the world, issues they observe and ideas that have impacted them in the past and future.


      We listened to their stories, and we reflected on our own values.


      We congratulate our students for putting on a thought-provoking exhibition and wish them well for the challenges they embark on as they move to Year 13 in the next academic year.