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    Thrilling Christmas Performance Unleashes Diverse Talents


    19 Dec, 2023

    08 : 51

    • On Friday December 15th, YCIS Chongqing Secondary students rocked the stage with an unforgettable Christmas Performance that left everyone in awe.


      The show kicked off with an electrifying antiphonal introduction by the renowned community choir. Students from Years 7 to 10 took the spotlight, showcasing their astounding talents in a variety of performances accompanied by the school orchestra.


      The second part of the concert featured a talent show, where students of all year levels delivered sensational singing, dancing, and instrumental acts.


      In between captivating performances, the audience enjoyed delicious refreshments during intermission, adding to the festive atmosphere. The event was a resounding success, leaving everyone exhilarated and entertained.


      Congratulations to the talented performers and risk-takers who made the show truly exceptional! Wish everyone a Merry Christmas and have a wonderful holiday!