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    Humanities Week


    16 Jun, 2023

    10 : 49

    • Last week our secondary students showcased their fantastic and creative answers to the philosophical question: “Our world 2023: are we the greatest generation?” in Humanities Week. Hosted by the Humanities department, YCIS Chongqing students designed and published a wide variety of investigations, demonstrating their findings with presentations, podcasts, exhibits, and essays, to answer this question from their own unique perspectives.


      Their topics included the benefits and drawbacks of AI, the social phenomenon of ‘Cancel Culture’, the industrial revolution, and the threat of World War 3. Our students conducted themselves with integrity and passion, defending their research in front of invited guests from parents, students and staff, asking them to consider if we are in fact the greatest generation to ever live.


      Our invited staff, students and parents commented on the high level of talent, originality, and investigative proficiency in our Humanities students.