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    A ‘Secondary’ Secondary Concert Delights Audience


    30 Jun, 2023

    09 : 53

    • In a spectacular end to the year, secondary students and their parents were treated to a special concert. The first half displayed the skills of our students in orchestra, our school community choir, the small ensemble, and even a special appearance by our ECE students. But the music didn’t stop there, as the concert went on to showcase individual student acts in the annual talent show. 


      The show included rock bands, dancers, solo singers, and the whole audience even got Rick-Rolled. We congratulate our students who had the confidence to not only try out for the show, but then to present their act to a large audience.


      Between performances, our hosts, students Iris Wang and Zack Wong, entertained the audience with jokes and background information about the upcoming pieces. Meanwhile, our student technical team assisted with fast, flawless transitions and added an extra shine to each performance.


      Our audience enjoyed themselves immensely, and we all look forward to future concerts!