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    2018 SCISAC Basketball Tournament


    16 May, 2018

    10 : 00

    • In the week of May 10th, YCIS Boys Basketball team travelled to Xiamen to participate the annual SCISAC basketball tournament. For most of our players, this tournament is their first opportunity of competitive play.

      Due to Hong Kong Academy arriving late, our game was pushed up to the first round at 4 pm. Nerves were high but that didn’t stop the boys from hustling and playing their hearts out the entire forty minutes. After a loss to Ivy Collegiate Academy from Taiwan, we found it worthwhile to watch and assess the fundamental play from other teams whom have had more experience on the court.

      Even though the boys did not win a game, they played hard, hustled up and down the court and made vast improvements from one half to the next. With practices held two times a week for two months, it was during the tournament where the boys made the most progress. It was a huge benefit from actually playing in competitive games and watching other teams compete at a higher level.

      The final game on Saturday morning was against Ivy Collegiate Academy (ICA), the team that ousted the boys on Thursday afternoon. On Saturday morning, the YCIS CQ boys gave ICA a run for their money, playing superb defense and closing the point differential to within ten. YCIS CQ is a young and up and coming team that will surely turn heads in the future years. Congratulations on your play in a well-fought tournament and best of luck next year!