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    Springtime budding Artists at YCIS Chongqing


    14 Mar, 2018

    10 : 00

    • In the Visual Arts Year 1 -6 pupils are encouraged to draw, design and create in many ways. Whether they are using a pencil, crayon or brush there simply is a never-ending sea of possibilities for them to discover their own creativity.

      In a digital world where children are so often faced with cellphone and computer games that don’t develop much human creative input, it is of utmost importance that our children stay in touch with their creative intuitions because it may very well be the key to their job security in the future.

      The Year 1 – 3 students were introduced to both American artist, Jim Dine and his Pop Art Hearts whilst taking inspiration from the change of season as they noticed Cherry Blossom trees erupting in Asia after the winter season. In Year 4 Panda Paper mosaic works taught the children to persevere and complete a task in a set given time. Our Year 5 and 6 pupils have been introduced to the paper cuttings of Henri Matisse, Vincent van Gogh and his “Sunflowers” and Gustav Klimt’s “Tree of Life”.

      Recently, students were also encouraged to familiarize themselves with some Graphic Design principles as they designed their own Chinese New Year posters celebrating 2018 as The Year of the Dog!

      There is no doubt that the standard of Art is high at YCIS Chongqing and that many of our young students present themselves as truly talented and filled with promise and potential!

      We look forward to seeing some of our children’s best artworks in the upcoming Fine Arts Festival at the end of April 2018.