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    Year 11 Cancer and Health Awareness Initiative


    26 Feb, 2021

    10 : 00

    • At YCIS, we believe it is vitally important for students to have the opportunity to ‘do good’ and support their local community. Alongside this, we also want to provide learning opportunities so that students are ‘educated’ about an issue that effects millions of lives across the world.

      Last semester our Year 11 students were tasked by their form teachers to design and lead a charitable initiative. Their aims were to raise money for a cancer research project and to promote a greater understanding of health and cancer awareness. This is quite a sensitive issue and students had to be mindful of how awareness could be raised to our younger students along with finding a fun and enjoyable way to raise money for a worthy cause.

      Our Year 11 students collaborated within smaller teams to create health presentations to deliver to the younger students in Primary and Secondary, impacting positively on their communication and leadership skills. We are very proud to share that these presentations were a great success; they were well designed, had engaging tasks and talking points, and ultimately achieved one of the aims of the project; to highlight the importance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle. The engagement between younger and older students was a delight to see, and it created a fantastic learning environment.

      We are delighted to announce that we raised a sum of 7413 RMB which will be donated in full to the Chongqing University Cancer Hospital. Congratulations it was a real community effort. We would also like to thank our Parent Organization for their support of this charity initiative, and we hope that our donation brings some positivity to the lives of cancer patients and their families.