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    The Many 'MEs' That Make Us Great


    13 Mar, 2020

    10 : 00

    • In 2002, YCIS Chongqing began its journey with five students with the aim to build a school that offers a high quality international education to the expat community, in this mountain city of southwest China. Over the past nineteen years, the school has relied on the skills and support of many wonderful colleagues, in operational and academic roles, who have together built a great learning community. From small beginnings, the school can now boast a full Kindergarten to Year 13 learning programme that prepares students for the world renowned IB Diploma, as a precursor to some of the best universities around the world.

      Located in the ‘International School Garden of Chongqing’, with outstanding facilities that will be enhanced with the construction of the new Secondary building, this state of the art and contemporary learning space will support the creation of one of the best and most dynamic teaching programmes for our students.

      This story is incomplete without recognizing some of the dedicated and loyal individuals who have become part of the fabric of the school, offering their love and passion in the school community, with extended time as members of the Chongqing family.

      YCIS Chongqing is most grateful to you, who truly have the ‘Yew Chung’ philosophy coursing through your veins. Your remarkable stories of life are now part of the school’s DNA and have helped build those traditions we hold so dear. We treasure your contributions as we hope to celebrate another ten, or maybe more successful years at YCIS with you!