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    Celebrating Our New Students


    06 Sep, 2019

    10 : 00

    • Change is always hard, right? It’s normal to feel weird and different in a new place, and to miss your old friends. Then there’s having to learn a different school layout, feeling nervous about talking to new people and being drained from adjusting to all this new stuff.

      At YCIS Chongqing our aim is to facilitate the transition process for our new students by providing opportunities for them to meet new friends and teachers who are here to support them. On the afternoon of September 3, our new students gathered together for a special celebration to officially welcome them to YCIS Chongqing.

      New students across campus were able to meet with other new students and support teachers to talk about how the year was going for them so far, all while enjoying some free time to eat pizza and play games together. From ECE to Year13, a wonderful time was had by all! We hope that all of our students enrolled in YCIS Chongqing have had a successful transition into their new classes and wish them all the best for this academic year!