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    Information Afternoons Engage Parents


    30 Aug, 2019

    10 : 00

    • YCIS Chongqing has hosted the Primary and Secondary Information Afternoons on Monday 26th and Wednesday 28th August. We were thrilled with the excellent attendance by our parents, who took the opportunity to discover how teachers are planning learning programmes for their children.

      As discussed during the New Parent Orientation on Friday 16th August, the two-way relationship between the home and school is vital in optimising the learning for your child(ren). All the latest research reinforces that it is vitally important that as parents we are actively engaged in the learning journey of our children. Consequently, we encourage all our parents to fully utilise the range of opportunities throughout the year to meet with teachers and leaders within the school to discuss ‘learning’. That said, should you have any questions about issues related to your child’s learning, we encourage you to contact the teachers directly, in Primary, using ClassDojo and, in Secondary using ManageBac.

      When parents visit the school, they are required to register as they enter the Security Gate and then report to the School Office, who will coordinate any meetings that have been organised.

      The Parent Organisation is a crucial body that works closely with the school to enhance relationships and understanding between parents and the school. We encourage all our parents to become actively involved in all PO activities as it will enrich your experience, as a parent, while your child(ren) attend YCIS Chongqing.