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    Brightening Lives: YCIS Chongqing's Empowering 'Smile Campaign'


    02 Nov, 2023

    10 : 53

    • The YCIS Chongqing 'Smile Campaign' takes inspiration from the resilience and kindness of Jayden Hayes, a young American child who tragically lost both of his parents but continued to spread love within his community.


      A simple smile can have a profound impact. Over the past 10 years, the students, staff, and parents of YCIS Chongqing have embraced the opportunity to share their love, compassion, and a servant's heart with the local community. This year, we integrated the Smile Campaign with an IB Diploma Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) intiative.


      On Friday, October 27, our Year 12 students enthusiastically embarked on a service-based initiative at the Ring Mall Chongqing. They successfully devised and executed the Smile Campaign, with a clear objective: to brighten people's day with a smile. The students walked around the mall, graciously handing out special cards to strangers. These unique cards, crafted by YCIS students, showcased their creativity and individuality.


      It was a day that allowed our students to give back to the local community; we look forward more initiatives that embody our school mission: Yew Chung is committed to aligning with Love and Charity.