10 May, 2018
10 : 00
In the recent Global Perspectives class, Year 13 student have been working diligently on their final global research essay. The goal of this class is to enable our learners to develop and apply practical skills in research methodology, reasoning and the skills to manage a sustained piece of academic work. Importantly, we aim to deepen the students’ academic experience which is vital for their transition to university.
Through scholarly research, self-reflection and independence of thought, our students have engaged with challenging topics and developed both in terms of maturity, and as critical thinkers.
Nara Chung is from Korea, she has been studied in YCIS for 4 years, her essay discusses the relationship between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, and how can the relationship be improved. The essay further demonstrated stability of South Caucasus, the region covering Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia plays an important role in global political and economic development. Link to essay
Hyun Soo Oh (Kate) chose a completely different topic in her essay. In this project, she focused on a very sensitive topic of Abortion and her paper lead the readers to a detailed and data driven research process and helps readers to understand the issue in both ethical and legal perspectives.Link to essay
More of the Year 13 essays are on display in the hallway of secondary block, presently being used as examples of excellent practice for our younger students. We congratulate our Year 13 students for their achievements and wish them a successful transition to their college life!