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    Live Report of Cambodia Trip


    28 Feb, 2019

    10 : 00

    • After our successful Cambodia trip in the last 2 years, we are once again pleased to offer a cross-curricular international trip to our Year 10, 11 and 12 students this year from Feb 25 to Mar 4.

      In Day One, we’ve successfully arrived in Siem Reap after a day of travel. Even still, international travel with a big group can be tiring, so we are certain all students will sleep well tonight.

      We were met by the familiar faces of our tour guides from our previous trips, they’ve worked hard to plan out our itinerary and they have excellent local knowledge and are very approachable and caring for our needs.

      The hotel we checked in surprisingly has a nice swimming pool, which is always a must in this climate and with the work we have planned.

      We dined at a new restaurant on the outskirts of the old town, and this proved to be a very pleasurable culinary experience. It may be a coincidence, but our new rule of ‘phones free dinners’ definitely increased the conversation and interaction between the students. We will certainly test this theory over the next few days.

      In Day Two, we will be working in our separate year groups to begin our week’s work. Y10 will be visiting the War Museum and working to explore the growing Chinese/Cambodian relationship in terms of trade and tourism. Y11 will be investigating three local NGO’s and beginning to consider the impact they can plan to make in preparation for their CAS trip next year. Y12 will be heading straight to the ABCs and Rice school to begin planning their service project. At this time, the schools are keen for us to upgrade their sport facility, so we will be mapping this out in preparation for a full day of service on Wednesday.

      Everyone has been exceptional ambassadors for our school. We are very excited to see them apply themselves over the next few days as well as experience personal growth as comfort barriers are challenged.

      To be continued…