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    Ten Traits of Global Learner


    20 Sep, 2017

    10 : 00

    • On Monday September 18, Year 6 proudly presented the first Primary assembly of this academic year. The theme of the assembly focused on the ten learner traits that YCIS Chongqing believes all global citizens should embody . Students worked in small groups to plan and prepare a short presentation to exemplify a trait utilizing the deeds of a famous person.

      In the last few weeks, students have been studying these traits as part of their Global Citizen Learner Profile lessons. They spent time writing biographies for some famous people who represent the Global Citzenship traits our students are explore and who have had great influence on our current life, such as Da Vinci and Mozart. A great amount of research work has been done to identify how important these traits have impacted the success these famous people achieved.

      The performance provided the perfect introduction to the traits and notified students they can also earn certificates when they display the traits around our campus. Conducted by our new ‘Primary Student Leadership Team’ who did a great job as MCs, the assembly brought great interests of the audience. After this great start, other year groups will focus on one or more of the traits in subsequent assemblies. Year 6, will further explore these desirable traits through online self-assessment surveys which will contribute to each student’s ‘pupil profile’.

      Global Citizenship Learner traits are important to develop not only the academic abilities, but the holistic child. Therefore, these traits will be an integral part of all lessons. As part of the YCIS Character Education programme, we strive to help foster confident, balanced, and socially responsible individuals that will carry these habits into the future.