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    Take a Bite!


    30 Oct, 2020

    10 : 00

    • Our YCIS Food Committee and staff representatives were recently invited to a ‘food tasting’ in the school Cafeteria, this provided our chef with some ideas to further develop our daily menu.

      In preparation for the tasting our chefs busily prepared 5 new wonderful dishes to try for both the Asian and Western menu. There was much excitement as the dishes were revealed… Korean fried rice with kimchi, Fish and chips, Abalone white gourd, Mexican Twister and Korean style rice cake and sausage, many of these dishes are famous around the world. Our Cafeteria Manager, Tingting introduced the new dishes, as soon as they saw them, students and staff could’nt wait to try the new dishes, cries of ‘Wow, not bad!’, ‘Yum’, ‘Fantastic’ could be heard after each tasting.

      Following the feast, students and teachers completed a survey. Their suggestions are very much valued as they will contribute to the development of our cafeteria, as we strive to provide high-quality dishes for the YCISCQ community.

      We would like to thank everyone who took part, especially our cafeteria team who prepared the dishes. We look forward to seeing more exciting dishes on our menu and hope all community members will enjoy the healthy and balanced meals offered at YCISCQ!