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    Egyptian Mummies in Magic


    19 Oct, 2020

    10 : 00

    • Our Year 7 Humanities students have been studying ‘Ancient Egypt’, looking specifically at how their lives are similar and different to our lives today. Students have also been fascinated to learn about the mummification process and the trials Egyptian people went through in order to make it to the afterlife.

      Being able to see and understand the ‘Book of the Dead’ and ‘Weighing of the Heart’ provided some interest, but it was the opportunity to actively participate in the next part of the mummification process that created the most excitement!

      Students were delighted to collaborate as part of a team and ‘mummify’ a teammate. As you can imagine, this allowed for lots of fun, but it also gave them an insight into a very complex process.

      Students experienced similar issues the Ancient Egyptians faced when wrapping a mummy. Working in groups of four, students used toilet paper to wrap the whole body of one of their peers. When the ‘mummies’ were complete, some of them included smiley faces and pairs of glasses. Laughs and cheers could be heard when it was time to finally revive the ‘mummies’.

      This was a great opportunity to bring the past alive, while it was great fun, learning about mumification, it was also an opportunity for the students to develop their team working skills.